“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” André Gide We disembarked from Ilma several weeks ago. As I sat at the keyboard, my fingers froze. My mind insisted on drafting a report, yet […]
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” André Gide We disembarked from Ilma several weeks ago. As I sat at [...]
“Learning isn’t mandatory; it’s voluntary. Improving isn’t mandatory; it’s voluntary. But to survive, we have to learn.” – Edwards Deming “There is no greater joy than being able to work for the good of all humanity, doing what you do best.” – [...]
It’s curious how, at certain moments in life, you start hearing questions that reflect what people think and expect of you. “Have you retired yet?” “So, what are you doing now?” “Are you reinventing yourself?” “What’s next?” I’ve found myself facing these [...]
Perhaps the first three words of this article’s headline have made you think of Adidas’ ” Impossible is Nothing ” campaign, but no, I don’t intend to write about it (although I’ll gladly add one of its iconic commercials to the end [...]
From Competitors to Great Friends Competition is a temptation I can’t resist. I’m driven by an overwhelming desire to win. That’s why I choose my battles carefully, only entering those where I sense a chance of victory. I have to admit, I’m [...]
I blinked. Usually, it takes barely a tenth of a second to blink; at most, five milliseconds more. And that’s how it goes: in the fraction of a second it takes to blink, more than 650 days have passed since the last [...]